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The Ski Shop - Captains Cabin Sevenoaks Kent Fitting

Ski boot fitting & adjustments are by appointment.
To book Please call 01732 464463 or email

A ski boot fitting appointment slot is 2 hours approx.

A ski boot fitting appointment will cost a non-refundable* £59 fee which will cover all necessary work and labour to fit your ski boots.

The price will also include** our Boot Fitting Guarantee after your purchase, which will provide you with aftercare adjustments for 3 years from the date of purchase of your new ski boots.

Should you decide after a full fitting appointment not to buy the boots, you will still be charged for the time and fitting. We will keep your record card of measurements etc and should you re-appoint and come back you will not be re-charged.
*If we do not have suitable ski boots for you, or refer you elsewhere, we will not charge the fitting fee.

**Our Guarantee is only given on our recommended boots with the recommended size taken, with proper technical fitted ski socks & footbeds, either Sidas, Superfeet Trim to Fit or Superfeet Custom.

For Retro-fiiting, If you have ski boots purchased online or elsewhere (including our website) we will continue with normal pricing for now (£50 p/hr) not including extras.

Why get fitted at The Ski Shop, Captains Cabin Sevenoaks?
We are ski boot fitters and not just ski boot sellers! The Ski Shop, Captains Cabin Sevenoaks has been fitting ski boots for over 25 years and provides a full ski boot fitting service.
We continuously invest in staff training in order to provide the best fitting service to you. As well as continuous training, updates and refresher courses from all the leading brands, our ski boot fitters have been on many ski boot and ski tests and courses ranging from Whistler to Austria, even to the Snowdome. Four of our boot fitters are Master Fit University trained and certified. Master Fit University is a global training center in Kitzbuhel Austria for professional footwear fitters.
We have a vast array of equipment for ski boot fitting, from specialist machines for making custom insoles /footbeds, heat ovens, heat machines, podoscopes, stretching equipment, and much more. We have an onsite fully equipped ski servicing center with full workshop facilities for most repairs and customisation.
It's Good To Know
Snug is your friend. Snug is good, your boots will bed down much more when skiing. Snug gives you more control for less effort.
Buckle up properly in the order we suggest.
Good quality, thin socks improve the fit and feel of the boots. Using thick, tube socks is like wearing tracksuit bottoms under your ski pants.
Footbeds/custom insoles improve the fit and give you a closer contact and feel, support your feet, align you better, and can solve many issues.
2hr Ski Boot Fitting Appointment - £59 + Ski Boots
In conjunction with our Fit Guarantee, all adjustments, re-moulding, tweaks, stretches are "free for the first three years" with boots bought from us in-store.
The internet, auction sites, and European online only ski shops will not and can not fit your boots properly!

Our "Fit Guarantee"

The Fitting of ski boots is a shared responsibility between the customer and the boot fitter.

We want you and your feet to be happy and comfortable. If they are not quite right or you are not 100% sure we won't recommend or sell them to you. We won't let you leave the shop with unsuitable boots, and of course, you wouldn't if they were. That's a promise.
Boots do get more comfortable with each use, which is why sometimes they might not feel "perfect" when new. This is why we guarantee the ski boots.
Ski Boots purchased in person from us all come with our "Fit Guarantee" When fitted with proper ski socks and footbeds/insoles.
Our Guarantee is only given on recommended boots with recommended size taken with proper technical fitted ski socks and footbeds, either Sidas, Superfeet Trim to Fit, Superfeet Custom Insoles.
Good quality ski socks and supportive insoles can solve most fit issues and improve, not only the fit and comfort but also your skiing.
All our insoles, trim to fit or ones we have custom made for you are guaranteed too.
After your initial purchase, try your boots on at home to bed them in more, before going skiing. If any problems arise from doing so we will re-fit or exchange.
If after skiing in the boots you develop any problems we will again re-fit the boots at no extra cost. If the boot proves to be totally unsuitable after skiing in them for less than 14 days, they can be returned and we will issue a credit note less the "FitGuarantee Charge" i.e up to 30% of the price paid.

Refunds will not be given.
The "Fit Guarantee" does not apply to boots purchased online.
What's involved and what do you get from a ski boot fitting at The Ski Shop - Captains Cabin Sevenoaks
1. Ski Boot Fitting IS by APPOINTMENT. Please call. 01732 464463 email
2. Wear loose-fitting trousers that can be rolled up to your knees.
3. Clean feet with trimmed toenails. Painted is ok!
4. Bring your favourite/regular socks (we have plenty of clean try-ons if you don't) no tube socks allowed!
Bear in mind that new boots, especially compared to hired boots should feel snug, snugger than hire boots and a bit snugger than expected.
We want your new boots to last you for years and they will bed down. We do not want you in an "ugg boots with buckles" style fit. A new boot in a way should feel like your jeans on a Monday morning fresh out of the drier, and as the week goes on they loosen up a bit.

The Ski Shop Boot Fitting - It's all about You and Your Feet!

Assessment. You and your feet!
We will ask you a lot of questions as we want to know about your skiing and your feet!
Your ski ability, ski style, stance, any foot, back, knee problems, past injuries, etc will help towards determining which type of ski boot is best suited. We talk about the importance of supportive insoles/footbeds and quality technical ski socks as opposed to thick tube socks.
Close up. Your legs and feet.
Inspection and measurement. Ski boots and their fit is NEVER about shoe size. Shoe sizes do not translate accurately to ski boot sizing.
At this point, we will measure both feet. We measure your feet with you sitting down in an unweighted position and then standing up, feet weighted. This will show us any foot spreading and if the foot elongates in length. We also look at your overall flexibility, hyper-mobility, ankle shape and ankle flex, calf size/position, footprint, instep, arches, lower body alignment/stance. We use specialist measuring equipment such as a Brannock device and Podoscope and of course our eyes to give us a more detailed and accurate guide. We will talk about the importance of fitted technical socks and footbeds/insoles for support and to improve the fit, comfort, and performance of your ski boots
Your fit!
It's all about the fit... priority, foremost, the number one criteria. It's NOT brand, colour, or looks. Like wands, the boot generally chooses you, and not the other way around which can often be the completely wrong shape and style for you.
Now with the information of your skiing, foot size, foot profile, and requirements, we have ideas about which boots to bring out for you to try on.
Shell check
As weird and as uncomfortable this process looks, it's very important. We take the inner liners out of the boot and ask you to stand in just the outer shells and we have a good look at how your feet and stance look in the shells. Next, we look at specific areas and measurements around your feet and legs to determine if the size and boots are going to work out ok. It's the shell shape and last width that really determines the overall fit and hold. Once satisfied we put the liners back in and we are now ready for trying on.
The end is nigh
It is important, actually crucial that you know that in the next bit, we haven't lost the plot!
First impressions when sliding in your foot SHOULD be that it is snug and you can feel the end of your toes at the end. Mostly this is a good sign, as when the boot is all buckled up and you are flexed forward your foot will move back a little and pull your toes away from the end, in the skiing position. When you stand in a more upright position your feet go back to the front. So it should be knees bent, foot back toes away, upright toes to front not as comfortable. A ski boot will always be at its best, feel its best in the position it was designed for. Bend Ze Knees!
Going back to the feet just going into the boot part, there is a correct way of buckling your boots up that will really help with the fit and reassure you that the boots are not too short. So foot in, buckle up the 2nd from top cuff buckle and flex back and forwards with weight on the fronts of the boots. You will feel your foot move back slightly and your toes a little away from the front. Then the top cuff buckle and repeat flexing, then the power strap. The bottom 2 buckles, instep and toe; always last.
Snug is your friend
So now you have the 1st pair on and they should feel snug with the buckles just lightly done just your jeans on a Monday morning fresh out of the drier. Knees bent ski position your toes should just move slightly away from the front, almost brushing the ends. You may feel it's still a tad too short, so we will then will stand you into our fixed bindings device, which replicates exactly what it will be like on your skis on the slopes. This gives more leverage than just standing with bent knees on a shop floor and it will move your foot back more and bring your toes further away from the front.
So walking about and bending, flexing we can get a good idea of how you and the boots feel and make any adjustments or fine-tuning. After a while its time to try on another pair and repeat most of the previous processes (that includes more coffees if desired)

So, they still feel snug, good... Like I said snug is your friend. Two main reasons, foot shrinking and liners bedding down.
Generally for most skiers (not all) feet shrink when skiing, through the loss of foot volume due to sweating. The soles of our feet are basically fatty tissue and ski boots act as a mini sauna. The liners will compress, bed down and start to loosen up a bit, like new shoes. We may have tried a trim to fit insole or made a custom insole now to improve the fit. The general insole or footbed supplied by all brands is the equivalent of a foot-shaped piece of bread to support your feet and align your body.
Come dine with me. Customisation, cooking, heating, adjustments
This is where we finalise the fit, or tweak any possible pressure points or to accommodate even more of your foot shape by starting to cook, heat, and mould the boots.
Not all brands and models can be heated up in this way for a custom fit. Our recipe is:

Ingredients: Choice of Salomon Custom Shell, Atomic Memory Fit and Head Form Fit ski boots.One pair of feet with good socks and footbeds.
Method: Heat ski boots in convection oven to the recommended time, heat liners accordingly. Stand to rest, with feet in the boots in a slight flex position for 5-10 minutes. Cooldown shells. In less than 20 minutes the ski boot should have shaped, expanded, formed more to the shape of your feet.
For the brands and models that aren't compatible we heat the liners and when ready, we ask you to walk around, flexing to allow the liner to shape around your foot. This accelerates the bedding-in process and can smooth out any hotspots. If you have plenty of time before your ski trip, wearing them around the house helps to naturally bed them in.
Where necessary other final adjustments can be made to help the fit or iron out any niggles. A few examples are manual stretching for very large bunions, ankle bone stretch for prominent ankles, heel raisers, cuff padding, and cuff alignment to name just a few.
This guide is not exhaustive and may involve many more aspects and processes depending, well, really on your feet.
The never-ending story
Once we are all happy with the choice/selection, our service to you on your ski boot purchase does not end once you've bought your ski boots from us and gone home.
We recommend, actually insist that you should try on and wear your boots at home many times before your trip. It helps to bed them in and you get used to them and get to know them. But importantly if you have any problems, queries, or concerns it gives you plenty of time to come back to us so we can try and solve any issues or we can swap them and try others again. If you go skiing and have any niggles or issues we want you to come back so we can try and rectify them. We are always here for you and your feet. Corny I know, but true, and yes pun intended!
We want you and your feet to be happy and comfortable. If they are not quite right or you are not 100% sure we won't recommend or sell them to you. We won't let you leave the shop with uncomfortable boots, and of course, you wouldn't if they were. That's a promise.
I hope you find my guide helpful.
See you soon
Pasq Vece
For Problem Boots Purchased Elsewhere
Assessment, Diagnosis & Minor Adjustments - FROM £25 per half hour.
(excluding any parts/materials necessary to carry out work)
Heat moulding of liners and re-fitting - FROM £25
Intuition liners, Salomon custom shell or Atomic Memory fit or any shell heating process & fitting - £50
This service MAY NOT be available on busy Saturdays and Sundays during peak times. Priority will be given to boot-fitting customers.
Please ring in advance to avoid disappointment. 01732 464463 or email